Explore the wide variety of healthcare careers


Connect to healthcare programs and resources


Attract, retain, and advance a skilled healthcare workforce


Search for open healthcare positions in our region

We envision an equitable future where our region’s healthcare employers and employees are thriving and prosperous, and our communities are healthy by design

Increasing the size, diversity, and preparedness of our region’s healthcare talent pipeline

Building our regional healthcare workforce

Increasing the region’s healthcare workforce has never been more important than it is today. Workforce Innovation at The Health Collaborative is committed to expanding access to healthcare careers and convening employers, educators, students, and community collaborators to address the healthcare workforce shortage.


Workforce Innovation’s Span of Influence



More than 170 regional and statewide entities to share and learn best practices

Partnerships & Collaborations

Working with more than 350 individuals to focus on specific healthcare workforce issues.

Advocating for Systematic Change

Creating a cohesive voice and increasing our statewide impact

Career Exploration

Increasing access and opportunities to explore healthcare careers

Education Pathways

Increasing access and success in pursuing healthcare careers

Attracting Funding

To support Workforce Innovation efforts and provide seed funding to partners


Job Seeker Resource

Connecting healthcare job seekers to real-time job postings

Job Quality

Creating and sharing best practices to enhance and improve employee growth

Data & Reporting

Collecting, analyzing and sharing actionable healthcare workforce data

Aligning data-driven workforce development efforts

Healthcare is our region’s top employment sector and one of the fastest growing. Our latest data reveals the importance of aligning efforts to meet workforce demands and build a workforce reflective of our community.

Greater Cincinnati Health System Year End Vacancy Rates

Building a more robust nursing talent pipeline

Nurses represent more than 20% of the healthcare workforce yet, the region’s current nursing education system simply doesn’t graduate enough students to meet demand.

Workforce Innovation has been working with regional partners to increase the number of students graduating from high school and post-secondary programs with nursing credentials. Together, we formed the Southwest Ohio Healthcare Education and Workforce Coalition, and are fully committed to expanding access, promoting nursing career pathways, and increasing the diversity of our nursing workforce.

Additionally, Workforce Innovation is working with our employer and education partners to increase our region’s nursing educators.

Expanding healthcare career exploration

The Health Collaborative offers numerous options for students and job seekers to explore healthcare careers and for employers to engage in initiatives to build their future workforce.

Career exploration initiatives for high school students

The region’s largest healthcare career expo

Explore regional career programs and events

Connect to available career postings

Solving healthcare workforce issues that can only be solved collectively


One of our primary activities is convening healthcare employers, educators, and community organizations to support the viability of our healthcare systems and their future needs for healthcare talent. 

Together, we remove barriers and limitations by identifying and addressing underlying issues that constrict access to and success in earning healthcare credentials and degrees.

We focus on increasing program availability and capacity, aligning pathways, and addressing licensure concerns; improving and growing healthcare career exploration opportunities for middle and high school students; and convening partners to develop, launch, and share solutions that build and retain regional healthcare talent.


Workforce Advisory Council


Southwest Ohio Healthcare Education and Workforce Coalition


Ohio Healthcare Education and Workforce Leaders


Ohio Healthcare Industry Sector Partnership Leaders


Regional Career Exploration Collaboration


The Talent Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati


Healthcare Pathway Partners


Peer-to-Peer Diversity Learning Forum


If you are interested in participating in our collaborations, contact Workforce Innovation.

If you’d like to stay informed about upcoming events, workforce data, collaborative efforts, news and more, please sign up for our monthly newsletter.